Ears destroyed:

Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013

Liquified Maggots 'Demo'

Elephant Man Behind The Sun 'Demo 1'

Tracheotomy Waterpipe 'Vomiting Necktie'

Elephant Man Behind The Sun/Dick Fungus Split

Burnt Human Garbage 'Demo 2010'

Anemia/Cuntpump Split

Split Cover was randomly made by me. Couldn't find the original cover.

Elephant Man Behind The Sun 'Demo 2'

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013

Carnivorous Nausea - Demo I

A Request Post. Got a message via Facebook (via my Page Hyalinobatrachium Colymbiphyllum) to post this. Some great Gorenoise again.

Just the censored Cover.